
Sunday 24 January 2010

Will we find the Higg's Boson?

What yet lies beyond imagination is 99% of everything, and we are still marveling at the mysteries of the one percent of which we too form an insignificant fraction.

The above sentence typifies the dilemma in which the astrophysicists, cosmologists and particle physicists, of the scientific fraternity, find themselves at present.
Yet we can peregrinate our colure in our imagination, for that is the only field of vision available that will adequately resolve the real metaphysical issues.

To enter that realm of unexplored imagination, the 99% of mass/energy of the Universe that eludes us, we need to invoke something bigger than the ‘Big Bang’ of creation, a fleeting 13.7 billion years ago, for that only describes the existence of the 1% of mass/energy that we do see in the visible Universe.
We need to think outside the bubble. Or should that be box?

The Higgs bosun, the neutralino and the axion are all enthusiastically sought by scientists today. What are these strange names and how do they impact our universe at large? Why are billions of dollars being spent by governments, on their scientists’ forlorn quests, to find these holy grails of particle physics?

It is because their mathematical deductions and quantum hypotheses on the nature of matter, bound by the rules of general relativity, have led them to this point.
They are desperate. Their investigations have opened up more riddles than they sought to answer in the first place.

Even the particles that have been discovered have not been seen, only inferred by the consequences of the behavior of the four forces of nature and the laws that they obey.
This means that even the well-known and accepted scientific facts are themselves screened from our visual perception by the veils that are the peculiarities of quantum physics and the acceptance that the only true constant is that of the speed of light.
Notions such as supersymmetry, inflation, the virtual vacuum, Bell’s theorem, the branes of M-theory, multiple universes, the big bang of creation, and the inconceivable dimensions of the string theories are all inter-connected by their common attempt to answer some of the mysteries of the nature of our Universe.

It would take years of study to come up to speed on all those subjects and even then, one would still only be as baffled as the reader of the above paragraphs might be, if that reader were not a physicist. Here follow some mysteries that baffle the physicists at present.

Scientists have created an unanswerable mystery for us (and themselves) by asking themselves the question: “How did matter obtain its mass?”
Any philosopher worth his or her salt would answer that matter has always had mass.
Scientists have answered the question by postulating that a particle called the Higgs bosun interacted with matter and bestowed it with mass, at the beginning of time. That answer has led to their problem today, and it is why they are so desperate to find the ellusive Higgs bosun, because if they do not, then the existing theory of the origin of the Universe will crumble and the whole edifice will collapse. They will have to revise their thinking.

The discoveries of the astronomers have led to two metaphysical mysteries.
They are: “Why does there not appear more visible matter in the universe, when their calculations indicate that there should?” and the most puzzling of all,
“What anti-gravitational force is causing the acceleration in the expansion of the Universe?”
They have only answered these two questions by allocating names to the answers, those being Dark matter and Dark energy. They cannot tell us what dark matter or dark energy are, so they have postulated ‘neutralinos’ for dark matter, and reintroduced Albert Einstein’s “biggest blunder of his life” in the form of the cosmological constant. They are now stuck on these two issues.

I wonder what it’s going to take for them to ‘see’ the darkness and end this epoch in the doldrums of scientific discovery. For the knockdown price of a few billion dollars, I am prepared to go out on a limb and point out to them that the answers have been available to them for a while now, as a result of their own investigations, and will become self-evident before long.

Most of the answers can be found, believe it or not, in the behavior of neutron stars.

They will find far more answers from studying the evolution of neutron stars than they will in searching for the Higg’s bosun.
Once we have surmounted the issue of hubris and insolence, and we have overcome the argument that not enough neutron stars exist to account for all the ‘dark matter’, it will be found that we have completely overlooked these obvious candidates.
Such evidence will present itself in the form of further studies of elliptical galaxies, which are currently branded as fossil galaxies.

Beware the fossil that comes to life!

Elliptical galaxies contain many trillions of stars and are comprised of mergers of hundreds of spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way. Beyond their visible ellipse, they portray being enveloped by an invisible gas cloud, five times bigger than the ellipse itself, that emits x-ray photons.
These enormous fossil galaxies themselves evolve beyond the faint relics we observe at present. They disappear or become invisible! Their mass does not disappear, only their emission of light and electromagnetic radiation.

They are in reality cosmic eggs and they will not hatch until such a time as the Universe reawakens in the distant future. That will not happen until all the galaxies in the cosmos have become elliptical galaxies and all their stars emissions have faded away.
The Universe will be entirely dark but its matter will still exist, gravity still its consequence. The Universe will exist entirely of ‘dark matter’!

These dark elliptical galaxies will still undergo the proper motions of Newtonian physics, and they will merge with each other, their mergers will cause the eddies that are the residues, to form the body and visible contents of a new Universe.

The furthest reaches of our Universe, in every direction, are a sea of invisible ellipticals and clusters of elliptical galaxies that have long since turned out their lights.
There are in fact so many of them beyond the last sources of light, that their gravitational effect on the galaxies closest to them is such that they are being attracted
at ever increasing speeds, or more accurately, the space between them and those galaxies is decreasing. This would account for our sense of an accelerating expansion and would explain dark energy as just more dark matter but very far away, exerting normal gravitational attraction on massive objects in its proximity.

There exists but one particle that can survive the forces and the timescales involved in the aforementioned scenario. It is the neutron.
Its survival and stability provided in the form of neutron stars that have stopped spinning but still have enormously strong magnetic fields and are the sole inhabitants of this sterile environment of burnt out elliptical galaxies.

This is a story where more evidence can be gained from the ashes of the Universe than can be gleaned from being mesmerized by gazing at its glowing cinders.
The bright stars are a mere fraction of reality, and we need to implement senses beyond our eyes and even the electromagnetic spectrum, to really ‘see’ all of reality, whether finite or not.
There is a paradoxical link between the Higgs bosun and gravity, for according to physics, the one cannot exist without the other, yet if the Higgs bosun is abandoned, gravity will still exist.
When we discard the Higgs particle, we will realize that mass has always existed and in spite of E equals mc squared, always will.
That mass is the Pantheon that forms the Edifice that is our Universe, and it survives in the form of the least likely candidate of all, the tacit, invisible neutron. All hail the neutron.
While we are at it, we should really change its name, we should rename it with a more reverend ring to it, like ‘popsicle’ or ‘bossbit’. How about the ‘Godtron’?

This blatant scientific blasphemy is not an attack on science or any of its scientists who have contributed so much in their fields of expertise.
Rather, it provides the mental momentum that is going to be required to overcome the inertial state cosmology currently endures. This proverbial fire-cracker will bring dynamism to stagnation. It will loosen the bowels of scientific discovery.

A whole new world of scientific research will open up.
For those who cannot wait for this information to become self-evident, please send a cashier’s cheque for one billion dollars to the writer, and he will willingly part with further details and information. For those who cannot wait but whose budget does not allow such a payment, free copies are available on receipt of an email address.

An initial copy will be forwarded to the “Edge” website, for its members mutual amusement, and just in case, also to protect the property that is the imagination of the writer.
Bon Voyage…

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