
Sunday 24 January 2010

Avoiding the Black Hole Information Paradox

Although there are seven main approaches to the solution of the information paradox.

One interesting approach is that information is stored in a massive remnant.

This approach seems to gravitate toward 'Occam's razor', that suggests that the simplest theory that fits the facts is the one most likely to be correct.

The massive remnant approach, has the advantages that no mechanism for information escape is needed (as it is in the black hole approach), and also that a large amount of information does not need to be stored in a small object ( as it is in the tiny Planck-sized remnant approach).

When discussing the disadvantage of the massive remnant approach, physicists merely point out that no appealing mechanism that could stop Hawking evaporation of a macroscopic black hole is known.

Maybe so, but Nature is starting to indicate new clues about neutron stars that stunned astronomers and astrophysicists, who had expected that black holes should exist in their place, but do not.

That is the subtle mechanism whereby we might be able to avoid Hawking radiation altogether, by avoiding black holes.
If we deal with dense massive remnants of almost similar mass and density to black holes, then we find that a neutron star is not far off the mark.

One is tempted to glue two or more neutron stars together in a thought experiment, (Commercials tell us they've used Pratley's putty on the moon!)

When relativistic ( which means traveling near the speed of light) quantum particles collide, there are three possible general results for a collision.

1. The collision is elastic.
2. The collision is non-elastic.
3. The collision causes annihilation.

In a sentence we could say; some things recoil, some things fuse and a few things disappear in a flash.

Unless neutron stars are also their own anti-matter, when two of them collide near the speed of light, at the end of a decreasing binary orbit, we are almost obliged to select option 2 above.
The collision is non-elastic.

Just like their quantum counterparts, they will fuse together, like nucleons.
All current computer simulations suggest that two such stars will merge and probably coalesce into a larger sphere for an instant and then collapse into a black hole.

That's the part I feel is not quite right.
I believe that two neutron stars will fuse just as two nucleons do, and lose a small amount of matter which is transformed into a huge amount of energy in the form of a gamma ray burst.

If we imagine four neutron stars fused together (resembling an alpha particle or helium nucleus) that somehow did not collapse into a black hole, but remained a massive solid remnant.
The radius of such a remnant, measured from its common centre, will lie within its Schwarzchild radius, measured from the same point.

This remnant would share some properties of a black hole, like mass and density, but it will not display Hawking evaporation because it is not a black hole!
For such an object there will be no disadvantage of resolving the black hole information paradox, and every bit of information is stored within this dense 'quadron'.

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